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Employer Feedback Survey

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Target population

Employers of graduates from undergraduate (UG) programs

Period of data collection


Survey results

Results of Stakeholder Surveys


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The survey represents a continuous effort of the University in seeking periodic feedback from employers to inform the enhancement of its UG education, especially in preparing its UG graduates for the workplace. In its development, consultation was made with relevant stakeholders which included representatives of Schools/AIS and support units. Efforts were also made to review relevant research literature. The questionnaire is distributed online and covers the following areas:

  • Workplace competencies and attributes important for fresh graduates to be able to obtain an entry level position
  • How well HKUST fresh graduates perform in terms of the essential workplace competencies and attributes and in comparison with other local and overseas graduates the employers worked with
  • Major considerations for hiring fresh graduates
  • Background information of the employers and their organizations

At the close of data collection, results are disseminated to Schools/AIS, departments and support units.